Understand and Influence Consumer & Market Behavior
- We’ll see healthcare from the consumer’s perspective, understanding her behaviors along with societal behaviors that inhibit or motivate how and when she uses health products and services.
- We’ll monitor her behavior and use her feedback to help her improve her health outcomes.
- We’ll work to understand and influence the behaviors of market systems actors (e.g. providers, manufacturers, government and financial institutions).
- We’ll determine where we can reduce the constraints that inhibit coordinated action. We’ll focus on understanding the intersection of healthcare financing and technology.
Move Care Closer
We’ll use consumer and market insights, supported by epidemiological evidence, to design and deliver solutions that will:
Convert need into demand for closer care experiences, identifying opportunities to bring care to her front door.
Expand available, affordable, quality products and services, through public and private channels—including social enterprise—finding opportunities to develop global and regional markets and achieve economies of scale where possible.
Use real-time information to coordinate market actions, to improve and integrate care networks and delivery, to shape regulation of quality protocols and task shifting, and to link consumers and providers to financing mechanisms right for them.
Require us to play multiple roles—market coordinator, broker and healthcare delivery actor—depending on market needs.
Harvest Technology Innovation
We’ll use call centers, online clinical consultations, drones, mobile money, financing technologies, and others to bring care closer to consumers and make care easier to use.
We’ll help to inform population health through point of care delivery and use data.
We’ll build and/or leverage information technology platforms (partnerships with social & medical platform tech entrepreneurs) to raise consumer awareness of healthcare options and management.
We’ll leverage medical technology innovation in prevention, diagnostics & treatment to bring care closer to consumers.
Tools for Shaping the Global Health Market
Communicating for Social Change
Developing Markets
Healthcare Network: Social Franchising Health Services
Marketing Products and Services
Providing even more individuals the ability to design their own healthcare.